buy and sell surplus stock within the interior design profession


Registration is open to the interior design profession - designer, stylist, photographer, buyer...

Registration is free and, once registered, you will be about to browse the site with prices of the items revealed. You can add items for sale on the website for free too. There is a 10% commission paid to Interior Design Exchange when an item is sold.

You may cancel your membership at any time.

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Your email address will be used to log in to your account and once set up cannot be changed, but you can change your correspondence email address later.

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Trade References
Please supply two trade references

Reference 1

Reference 2

Registration is open to interior design professionals - designers, stylists, photographers, buyers... It is free to register and you can add items for sale for free too. Once an item is sold there is a 10% commission paid to Interior Design Exchange. As a member you will receive a newsletter, usually monthly, to inform you of new items for sale. You may cancel your membership at any time.

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